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Kari Bikes: New Town, New E-Bike

  • Kari 

It gets me every time. Gahh, riding a bike’s fun!!

This was my first spin around my new hometown of San Luis Obispo and I was wearing a smile the whole time, except when I was smirking with embarrassment (more to come later).

The smiles were brought to me by my new Albratech (I’m calling her “Alba”) electric bike, ample bike lanes, and an amazing 73 degree summer day. Additional smiles were brought to me by my encounter with the pedestrian bridge (photo left)…how cool is that, right?

Round and around I go, up, over, pause for the view, and down! Wheelie fun! I realize some of the newness will wear off, but I am anticipating more wheelie fun rides up and over that thing!

“I’m on a bridge, Charlie”

As for not smiling with sheer excitement but smirking with embarrassment… I was on the homestretch, about a mile from home. As a cyclist, I powered downhill to gain momentum for the beastly hill ahead of me. My ferocious pedaling jacked the chain and popped that bitch right off! Fiddling with the taut jammed chain, I realized I didn’t wanna to mess too hard with it (Made in China). I wasn’t getting the chain back on easily, and probably not without a chain wrench. So, it was time to motor!!

Full throttle up this hill equated to anywhere from 3 mph to 6 mph. I felt like an invalid on a Hoveround, the wheelchair scooters that they always advertise during The Price is Right. Tooling at this pace and trying to look cool in my new town was a fail!! At this point, it was faster and less damaging on my ego to walk “Alba” uphill.

So we walked up the hills, and then we rode down, feet on the top tube, kicking it.

Smiles and all.

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