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Velocity USA Introduces the Upcycled Velocity Rim Coat Hanger

Velocity Coat HangerVelocity USA recently announced they are offering a new product. It isn’t for your bike though, they will be more at home in your closet. Yes, coat hangers, made from rims.

Normally, when a rim doesn’t meet Velocity’s standards, they are put to the side and eventually sent to the scrap yard to be recycled and generate a little cash for the company. Instead, the guys in the Wheel Department came up with the idea to make hangers. They posted the prototype online, and decided to move forward with the project.

Velocity Coat Hanger 3Each hanger is made from a section of rim, about a third of a wheel, with to 14 gauge Velocity spokes. The spokes and rim are attached with two DT Swiss brass nipples, in case you need to straighten out the hanger at some point. The rims and hangers are hand cut, and assembled in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Velocity Coat Hanger 2To purchase the coat hangers, visit  their online store at They will be available individually, or in packs of four. Wholesale pricing is also available for Velocity USA dealers. Quantities are limited though, so when they are sold out, they are gone. They have not decided yet whether or the hangers will be back for 2015.

Individual – $7.99

Four Pack – $27.99

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