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Three tech solutions to help you get fit and healthy while on your bike

  • Ron 

We all know cycling is a great way of keeping fit and healthy, but do you know exactly how much it’s helping your body? If you’re striving to improve your fitness – whether that’s to ride faster or longer, or just to lose some weight – it’s important you know how your fitness is changing over time. By measuring it, you can compare your results week over week, see how far you’ve come and motivate yourself further if you’re not happy with the numbers. Here are three gadgets to help you monitor your health while you’re on the bike.

Blood pressure monitor

High blood pressure can lead to several illnesses, including strokes, heart attacks and even dementia. There are a lot of things that can cause high blood pressure, whether it’s stress, smoking or even a diet that is too high in meat and dairy. Luckily exercise and keeping active is one of the best ways to reduce your blood pressure.

It can often be difficult to measure just how high your blood pressure is. Unlike obesity, there are no visible signs that any lifestyle choices have made you healthier or unhealthier. Now you can pick up fitness trackers with blood pressure monitors online to help keep track of your blood pressure. They are worn like a watch and measure your heart rate every few minutes, whether you’re on the bike or relaxing on the couch. Each device works slightly differently, so it’s important to look at online reviews before purchasing, so you can be sure that you’re choosing one that is reliable with all the features you want.

Handlebar fitness screen

When using a stationary fitness bike in a gym or at home, many people motivate themselves by watching the distance travelled or the calories burnt on the screen located between the handlebars. If you want the same kind of motivation while you’re out cycling on the road you can now pick up a device that straps onto your handlebars just like the ones at the gym. Depending on which type you buy, you could also benefit from other features such as GPS to help give you directions, Bluetooth connectivity to notify you when you have a call or text and some even work as an anti-theft alarm.

A helmet

You might not consider a helmet to be a gadget or something that could improve your health. In 2020, both of those thoughts are being challenged by new tech solutions. If you’re not wearing a helmet and are unfortunate to have an accident, you could be left with life-changing injuries or even worse, the crash could be fatal. Thanks to technology, there are a number of different helmets that provide added safety features.

For example, you can now get helmets with indicators located on the back of the head to clearly let drivers know which way you’re going while keeping both hands on the handlebars. Some even include bone conduction speakers, which allow you to safely listen to music without blocking out sounds from the road.

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